Welcome to a new presentation of books, monographs, articles and other information presensted by Sara and Hans von Tresckow over the last several years. Files are free to download unless otherwise indicated. We hope you find the contents to be of interest and assistance in your fiber pursuits. |
When a Single Harness Simply Isn't Enough Basic techniques for double harness weaving "drawloom" - types of drawloom, configuration, setup, operation and designing techniques. This book contains everything a weaver needs to begin working with a separate pattern "harness" to create lovely and complex textiles - damask, opphamta and more. Price $34.95 - see details with link at right. |
Exploration of tied weaves on a drawloom. Based on a firm grasp of the above book "When a Single Harness Simply Isn't Enough". Contains information concerning techniques for producing taquete, samite, lampas and Beiderwand on a contemporary drawloom. Included instructions for loom modification, creation of the various weave structures and suggestions for designing. Free download. If paper copy desired, comb bound laser printed copy $10 plus shipping. |
Fan Reed Basics This is a 15 minute video created for the introduction of our line of fan(ondule) reeds at Convergence Albuquerque in 2010. It is accompanied by the handout from my presentations at that conference. The video ships with every fan reed that we sell. For those not purchasing the reed from us, there is a $15 charge. Delivery either as download or DVD. To order use our CONTACT FORM. |
Weaving on the Countermarche Loom Short video showing the rhythm of operating a countermarche loom with hanging beater. Examples of the same loom operating as a dobby and as a standard loom with shafts and treadles. |
Short video showing how a fan reed is used on an Ashford table loom. |
Properly Retted Flax | Stripping a stem to test the fiber. |
Overretted Flax | Stripping a stem to test the fiber. |
Underretted Flax | Stripping a stem to test the fiber. |
Abstract of an article from Complex Weavers Journal highlighting properties, uses, and tips for incorporating flax and hemp into a weaver's yarn palette. |
FlaxHemp4Handweavers.html |
In 2002, when there was a Corn Cam set up watch the corn grow in Iowa, we documented our FLAX CROP by taking photos at regulat intervals and postsing them. We have grown older, but the process for planting and harvesting flax has not changed over thousands of years. Growing flax in the US Midwest (Fond du Lac, WI) using contemporary garden tools and clothing. |
Part of the Flaxcam photos showing processing the retted flax straw in our backyard with family members (neice and nephew included). This step - from straw to strick traditionally involves as many helpers as are available and willing to participate. |
Links to articles related to spinning flax from stricks. |
Straw Into Gold - or How to Grow Your Own Towels This file is the handout I used many times for workshops on linen. Short version of how to grow and make your own linen clothing.
Enhancing the Variations in a Colored Fleece Published in Ashford's WHEEL in 2018 with slightly different formatting, I show a way to simply fluff up locks of a natural colored fleece and feed it into a large orifice spinning wheel. The resulting rug yarn weaves up with lovely shading differences rather than the uniform coloration provided by carding the whole fleece together. |
Configuring a Counterbalance Loom Since Laila Lundell's "Big Book of Weaving" went out of print, there is not an easy, good source of how to set up a counterbalance loom using pulleye and horses. I have looked into several European books on weaving and all agree on the diagrams that I provide here. This assumes that for looms up to 4 shafts, a set of simple pulleys is mounted on the counterbalance bar and the 2 pair of horses are attached to the pulleys. For the 5 to 8 shaft configurations, a set of 8 shaft pulleys is necessary. These devices can be ordered from businesses selling Swedish or other European looms. These special pulleys require 4 pair of horses. |
Understanding the Countermarche Loom Handout from a presentation at Midwest Weavers in Indianapolis summarizing the operation and setup of the countermarche loom. Describesd the most common variations and suggestions for a 4-shaft tieup that covers many common weave structures for beginners to use until experienced in the operation of the countermarche loom. Includes directions for a skeleton tieup for the countermarche - possible, but still not simple or speedy in operation. |
The essence of the long cord tieup method we recommend for the Lilla looms we sell. Every cord is long enough to reach the upper lams with some extra. Each cord is permanently looped through a connecting hole in the treadle and cords reaching the upper lam pass through the lower lams as well. Proven method to adjust the connections by leaning over cloth beam with breast and knee beams removed - no need to EVER connect anything UNDER a treadle. |
My Christmas gift to WeaveTech around 1999 - this is a method of creating a temple that is functional and free to make with household items. Used by professional weavers around the world in many forms, it is especially useful to test how the temple works and to fill in when the temples available are not quite the right size. |
This is the handout and work sheet from my presentations on basic weave drafting. The intent is to famililarize the weaver with the basics of understanding the use of symbols to make a representation of fabric. There are exercises to demonstrate how the resulting fabric can be created by more than a single drawdown, and to recognize when two books with "different" drafts can produce the same twill fabric. Templates for weavers' graph paper with division for 8 or 4 squares are provided for copying and printing. |
Southwest Style Weaving on the Rigid Heddle Loom Handout used for class at Taos Wool Festival - 2013 Addresses using a stock rigid heddle loom to produce tapestry with patterns reminiscent of the American Southwest. |
Leno, Spanish Lace, Brooks Bouquet and more.... Suitable for any simple (or complex) loom from frame to rigid heddle to table loom to floor loom. Add some lovely openwork to any project. |
Curriculum for becoming a Journeyman Weaver This is an annotated (and partially translated) document showing the title pages and the table of contents of the exercise books from the German Interessengemeinschaft Handweberei in Sindelfingen. The school still exists, but the full time education to journeyman weaver contained in these books is no longer running. The breadth of the curriculum shows that a single weekend workshop is not sufficient to familiarize new weavers with the full range of knowledge deemed relevant to becoming a full time weaver. I present it here both as a tribute to the professional weavers who have mastered this, and a guide to today's weavers to the areas of expertise needed to excel. |
Link to assorted site pages regarding drawlooms and drawloom weaving. |
Multiple Pattern Threadings on a Single Warp Article submitted to Complex Weavers Journal 2006 detailing how versatile the pattern shaft drawloom can be. Shows examples of pattern variety as well as how to change the leash threading mid-warp for expanded pattern capabilities. |
Link to my foray into Jacquard weaving - beginning with the courses offered by Pat Williams and Catherine Amadei at Easter Mich. University from 2004-2007. |
Systematic Weave Drafting - Presentation This is a presentation that I have given more than once at Complex Weavers Seminars. It addresses the way that weave structures and drafts exist in a structured environment - and have for centuries. The culmination is the adoption of what was a German DIN norm - a system of industrial standards - into an ISO (International Standards Organization) standard recognized by the textile industry. This is a system of stored modular information, based the three basic "atoms" of weaving - plain weave, twill weave, and satin weave. All other structures are derived, sliced and diced from these basic structures. As an adjunct, I touch on the system of modules for threading, treadlings and other common elements of weave design - in effect, this set of documents describes "object oriented coding" for weavers. If you understand and use this information, collecting books of pattern drafts becomes less important. You can then translate your ideas into a lovely fabric. Enjoy.
Systematic Weave Drafting - PDF Presentation Systematic Weave Drafting - Handout |
This was submitted to the Complex Weavers Archaeological Study Group as my contribution for 2022. It records my working backwards from a polychrome samite woven on a TC-1 loom in a class at Eastern Michigan University with Pat Williams on polychrome textiles. I have spent the last 15 years trying to get back to what was an unusually lovely weave structrure and perhaps combine it with my drawloom. Lots of photos, samples and references. |